Friday, April 8, 2011

Mutagenic Milestone! (or, Mutants A-Z)

Shameless hucksterism time.  With today's post, I reached not only one, but two, milestones.

The x-ray is my 100th unique mutant monster entry (which really comes out to about 105-ish critters, if you include those with sub-types (like molebears/polar molebears and groatches, both domestic and wild), and with that letter X, I filled all the slots on my "Alphabet of the Apocalypse".  Yep, I've got entries covering every letter A to Z...from the reclusive aarborvarks to the tempestuous zephrogs.

Much love to all 37 38 of my Wasteland Naturalists.  And particular gratitude to Messrs. Reints, Porky, Cyclopeatron, and Theron (as y'all provide the hits that monetize my synergies and leverage my paradigms), and Messrs. Trey, Brutorz Bill, Sniderman, and Porky again (who slake my ego with the most comments).

The Mutant Future Core Rules have about 150 creatures listed.  Given the stuff in the pipeline, I can easily beat that number.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I've got several of your beasties on tap to use once I get my MF Campaign rebooted.
