Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Don't Mess With Wrexus – "Overheard In The Roadhouse"

(Cross-posted from here.) 

1)  "It's almost cannibal-mutant breeding season.  Yeah, the bounties are higher than ever... but, brother, probably best to stay out of the hills entirely."

2)  "Presley's Chicken Tomb is opening a new franchise down the way.  That's sure to righteously piss off the owners of this fine establishment."

3)  "See the weird lights near Old Man Gutchel's place last night?  Could mean another saucer landing.  Wonder what'll happen to that crazy moonshiner's swill this time?"

4)  "Them zombies infestin' the Doom Mall are gittin' smarter.  Could'a swore ah seen 'em usin' utensils."

5)  "Speakin' a' zombies, think the contagion's spreadin'.  Undead gators and feral hogs wrecked a kegger down near the crick.  Man, it's bad enough if animals can now git the bug... but if they're workin' together, we're motherfucked."

6)  "Satan's Cerebrums are back in town.  Sure, those mad biker-scientists are assholes, but their brain-in-a-jar looks pretty boss, riding in the sidecar like that."

7)  "The sweet old werewolf couple over there?  Yeah, the gray ones, with the saggy jowls and fanged dentures?  They keep inviting me to swing-parties at the senior center.  I swear, one more drink, and I'm going for it."

8)  "The Belfry Boys are recruiting for a big job.  Even saying they'll convert those that survive.  Hell, yeah, I'd consider vampirism.  Wouldn't you?"

9)  "The Headless Hotrodsman is racing for pinks down at the haunted dragstrip.  And the rubes are lining up to take him on.  Just what the hell does he do with all those rides he wins, anyway?"

10)  "Get this:  ALL the scarecrows in the county are turning up pregnant.  Yes, pregnant.  Well, what else would you call it?  One day they're hanging there as limp and lifeless as you please, and the next they're bloated and swollen and... and... and beaming, okay?  They're smiling... have a glow about 'em.  YES, EVEN THE DUDE ONES.  Fuck you, dicklips.  Why would I make that up?"

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