No. Enc.: 1d6 (2d8)
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 6
Attacks: 2 or 1 (2 claws, or 1 head-beamer)
Damage: 1d4 / 1d4, or see below
Save: L4
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: XXI
XP: 1,820
Laazghuls are mutated relatives of the walking dead [p. 101 of the Mutant Future Core Rules]. They blast foes with the emitter arrays on their heads.
To determine what their skull-zappers shoot, roll on the chart below, either for each laazghul or the entire group. Ranges for all attacks are 90'.
- Heat Ray: 3d6 damage; metal objects melt on a failed Saving Throw Vs Energy
- Cold Beam: 2d8 damage; frozen to the spot for 2d6 turns (or until chipped free) on a failed Saving Throw Vs Stun
- Napalm Gout: 2d6 damage, plus another 1d6 per round for the next 1d6 rounds
- Hypno-Ray: target switches sides and allies with the laazghul for 2d6 turns on a failed Saving Throw Versus Stun
- Pulse Blaster: 4d6 straight-up damage
- Lightning Arc: 6d6 damage; half damage on successful Saving Throw Vs Energy
Anyone killed by a laazghul's claw attacks rises in 3 nights as a new laazghul. (Those killed by head-beamers are probably too zapped to return from the dead as anything.)
Mutations: Energy Ray (x6) (See Above)

Not-The-Designer's Notes: Shamelessly horked from Unca Jeff at Jeff's Game Blog. I just Mutant Future'd 'em up (which pretty much just means more HD).
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