Monday, September 30, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Saturday, September 28, 2013



Friday, September 27, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013



Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013

If I May Brag I Moment...

...I have some of the most creative, dynamic players that I've EVER had the privilege of gaming with.

My table has old pros, novices-of-the-adult-but-never-really-gamed variety, and a 13-year-old who grew up with gamers.  That kid is an absolute Game Master's Mutant Lord's nightmare—in a good way—because he comes up with damned brilliant uses of his mutations on the fly.

Case in point, just yesterday he made an encounter with two waasps go completely off the rails—in a good way—from the get-go, and the PCs murderhobo-ized those monsters to artifacts and riches.

Seriously.  It was a massacre.  And it was awesome and terrifying to behold.  They done good.

I am just BEAMING from behind my ML's screen.  I'll write up the encounter just as soon as I can.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

"C" is for "Coral Crawler"

Coral Crawler

No. Enc.:  1d4 (1d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  90' (30')
      —Swim:  45' (15')
Armor Class:  2
Hit Dice:  12
Attacks:  3 (2 claws, 1 bite)
Damage:  1d8 / 1d8 / 1d12
Save:  L6
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  4,400

Coral crawlers are ambulatory, rhinoceros-sized, animalistic collectives of marine polyps. They hunt along the ocean floors, but surface to prowl beaches and riverbanks.

Coral crawlers are covered stinging barbs that inject a Class 7 neurotoxin.  And being made of millions of individual creatures grants them complete immunity to any and all Mental Mutations.

Aquatic tribes with thick carapaces and/or immunity to poisons tame coral crawlers as mounts.

Mutations:  Density Alteration, Dermal Poison Slime, Parasitic Control

Friday, September 13, 2013

"F" is for "Finkdaddy"


No. Enc.:  1d4 (1d4)
Alignment:  Chaotic
Movement:  120' (40')
Armor Class:  5
Hit Dice:  8
Attacks:  4 or 1 (2 claws, 1 tailslap, 1 bite, or weapon, or vehicle)
Damage:  1d4 / 1d4 / 1d8 / 1d10, or by weapon, or by vehicle +4d6
Save:  L8
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  XVIII
XP:  3,560

Finkdaddies are 5' tall, bug-eyed, pudgy relatives of the vermen.  Their mangy fur is usually a toxic green hue, but the creatures can appear in any day-glo color.

Finkdaddies are manic and altogether unhinged, and can't handle their liquor.  But they are geniuses when it comes to unearthing, repairing, and upgrading Ancient technology, and vehicles are their specialty.  The sheer rarity of mechanical transport in the Mutant Future makes finkdaddies the undisputed kings of the blasted roadways.

If engaged in vehicular combat, a finkdaddy's attacks automatically gain a +3 To Hit and +4d6 damage.

Mutations:  Atrophied Cerebellum [D], Energy-Retaining Cell Structure, Increased Willpower, Intellectual Affinity (Tinkerer), Prehensile Tail, Reflective Epidermis (Radiation)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

"M" is for "Molock"


No. Enc.:  1d10 (5d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  120' (40')
  —Burrow:  30' (10')
Armor Class:  7
Hit Dice:  7
Attacks:  2 or 1 (2 claws, or weapon)
Damage:  1d8 / 1d8, or by weapon
Save:  L7
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  XVII +1d12 gizmos
XP:  2,540

Molocks are 4' tall bipeds with fleshy snouts and enormous claws.  Their beady eyes are obscured by dusty fur.

Molocks construct elaborate subterranean complexes, where they cultivate forests of the tastiest fungi in the Mutant Future.  They trade their harvest for only the most exotic of Ancient foodstuffs, as they fancy themselves quite the gourmands.  Molocks hoard any and all artifacts they find in their excavations.

Most molocks are genial...but a renegade fringe faction known as The Architects Of Night seeks out buried doomsday weapons so as to destroy the sun and claim dominion over the planet's surface.

Mutations:  Damage Turning, Echolocation, Fragrance Development, Increased Sense (Hearing, Taste), Precognition

Monday, September 2, 2013

"L" is for "Laazghul"


No. Enc.:  1d6 (2d8)
Alignment:  Chaotic
Movement:  90' (30')
Armor Class:  6
Hit Dice:  6
Attacks:  2 or 1 (2 claws, or 1 head-beamer)
Damage:  1d4 / 1d4, or see below
Save:  L4
Morale:  10
Hoard Class:  XXI
XP:  1,820

Laazghuls are mutated relatives of the walking dead [p. 101 of the Mutant Future Core Rules].  They blast foes with the emitter arrays on their heads.

To determine what their skull-zappers shoot, roll on the chart below, either for each laazghul or the entire group.  Ranges for all attacks are 90'.

  1. Heat Ray:  3d6 damage; metal objects melt on a failed Saving Throw Vs Energy
  2. Cold Beam:  2d8 damage; frozen to the spot for 2d6 turns (or until chipped free) on a failed Saving Throw Vs Stun
  3. Napalm Gout:  2d6 damage, plus another 1d6 per round for the next 1d6 rounds
  4. Hypno-Ray:  target switches sides and allies with the laazghul for 2d6 turns on a failed Saving Throw Versus Stun
  5. Pulse Blaster:  4d6 straight-up damage
  6. Lightning Arc:  6d6 damage; half damage on successful Saving Throw Vs Energy

Anyone killed by a laazghul's claw attacks rises in 3 nights as a new laazghul.  (Those killed by head-beamers are probably too zapped to return from the dead as anything.)

Mutations:  Energy Ray (x6)  (See Above)

Not-The-Designer's Notes:  Shamelessly horked from Unca Jeff at Jeff's Game Blog.  I just Mutant Future'd 'em up (which pretty much just means more HD).