Splicesaur — Trirannosaurus X

Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 22
Attacks: 3 (3 bites)
Damage: 5d8 / 5d8 / 5d8
Save: L11
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: VII x3
XP: 15,000 (+2,000 per extra Mutation)
One of the most horrible creatures birthed by the apocalypse, the trirannosaurus X is a 25' tall, triple-headed monstrosity that terrifies even the mightiest of Mutant Future predators. It stalks grasslands, swamps, and forests, and seemingly favors humanoid prey.
Trirannosaurus Xes Swallow man-sized or smaller victims on To Hit rolls of 17-20. And they are never Surprised, thanks to 360-degree vision.
As if the beasts couldn't be any more nightmarish, 10% of any encountered are albinos with vast mental abilities. These sentient specimens posses: Albinism [D], +1d4 beneficial Mental Mutations, and Willpower scores of 7+1d10...and their claws are dexterous enough to manipulate tools and artifacts!
Mutations: Dual Headed (x2), Increased Sense (Smell, Vision)