Splicesaur — Brakteryx ("Eclipsaur")

Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120' (40')
—Fly: 150' (50')
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 27
Attacks: 1 (tail slap, or bite, or stomp, or flying crush)
Damage: 5d6, or 4d8, or 7d10, or 12d12
Save: L12
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: None
XP: 11,500
Exceeding 100' long and 50' tall, the gargantuan brakteryxes block out the sun as they soar overhead. They vary wildly in appearance, having the diverse colorations of Ancient parrots and toucans.
A brakteryx's crush attack can only be performed when the beast is airborne. It acts as a Trample, gaining +4 To Hit...but it affects all targets in the 30' radius of its landing.
Rumors suggest that their massive nests are littered with artifacts and scrap wreckage.
Mutations: Complete Wing Development
I presume it's shiny crash wreckage? ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm enjoying this dinosaur series.
The recent pics are better than ever too, and the feather effect here is stunning. I love the idea of huge flying beasts and massive nests full of all kinds of wonders.