Thursday, April 5, 2012

"N" is for "Needlewing"


No. Enc.:  0 (2d12)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  3' (1')
  —Fly:  180' (60')
Armor Class:  0
Hit Dice:  1 hp
Attacks:  1 (peck)
Damage:  1 hp + poison
Save:  L1
Morale:  11
Hoard Class:  VII, VIII
XP:  6

Needlewings are tiny (3" tall), iridescent birds that feed on the nectar produced by the deadliest species of mutant flowering plants.  They dart and flit about, captivating onlookers with their dazzling beauty.

Much like Ancient clownfish and anemones, needlewings live in symbiosis with their host flora.  The birds nest in and/or around the plants, using them for protection and sustenance...and return the favor by attacking and subduing anything that approaches, for they inject venom (determined randomly on the Poison Class Table) with each and every stab of their beaks.

Some needlewings have developed a specialized toxin that acts as a contact version of the Fragrance Development Mutation.  Upon injection and a failed Saving Throw Versus Poison, their hypnotically-compelled victims march right into the clutches of the carnivorous host. Needlewings with this variant venom often stray far from their plants, actively hunting down prey.

A needlewing's Hoard Class represents the scattered/buried possessions of victims consumed by the host.

Mutations:  Toxic Weapon (Venom)

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