Monday, August 19, 2024

The Guys Of Wrexus Are Upon You — Meet Karl Kongchak, Mutagenic Muckraker!


Karl Kongchak

Even the post-apocalypse needs a rumpled, cantankerous crusader who's a perpetual thorn in the sides of The Powers That Be.

Karl can flip from charming to snide in a heartbeat, and wields sarcasm like a razor.  His cleverness is outmatched only by survival skills--he's zippier than an irradiated cockroach and luckier than a three-legged leprechaun.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Umerica Unleashes... THE JUJUBEAMER!!!

Silverscreen procured this from an Aetherian [think "dollar store MOTU"] arms dealer.  Generated via the Umerica Unnatural's "Cache Of Astonishing Salvage -- Rayguns" chart.

The randomly rolled results were the perfect blend of bonkers and thematic, so I christened it with the first thing that popped into my head....

Angled View


Damage:  3d6, Photonic -- 50% chance blasts ignore physical armor (ignores all non-Impervious armor and Impervious armor only counts at ½ value)

Weird Damage:  DC 13 check to avoid instant death via goo-ification!  Turns 'em into li'l chewy gummies!

Range:  50’ long x 10’ wide cone

Ammo:  11 shots, Atomic Battery – fully recharges in 10 mins

Special Ability:  Targeter – adds +1d3 to all attack rolls

GM-Mandated Defect:  Electron-Restrictor Security Feature – can only be wielded 10 minutes (1 Turn ) before requiring a FORT Save at DC 12, with failure indicating user can’t hold gun or anything else for 1d5 mins

Quality:  Good

Rear View (with Targeter)

Side View

Angled View

What A Foe Sees!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Umerica Unleashes... SILVERSCREEN!!!

Here's my current DCC Umerica character rejiggered from various Transmorphotronobotic games that never got off the ground.  Consider him extra-jankified to fit into the apocalypse proper.

On his home planet, Silverscreen was a curmudgeonly antiquarian, archivist, and amateur holographic-arts critic [think Doc "Bones" McEbert].

Then came "The Incident", where his scoutcraft crashed on a primitive, desert backwater one fateful July night in 1947.  He hid from local law and military forces in a run-down drive-in, and stayed there for decades learning about his environs through the lens of B-movies and classroom scare films.  Armageddon led him to coming out of the literal (storage) closet to a ruined world.

(art by me)

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"The Incident"


Reel Hatchet!

Film Canister Battle-Tote!

(commission by Jacob Blackmon)