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(By Mustafa Bekir of Neon Lords Of The Toxic Wasteland fame, based on my clumsy version below.)
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A Bestiary for Mutant Futures, Crawlin' Classics, Gamma Worlds, and Assorted Post-Apocalyptic Wastelands.
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(By Mustafa Bekir of Neon Lords Of The Toxic Wasteland fame, based on my clumsy version below.)
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Enjoy another new Dark Inheritance for Weird Frontiers. This'un rounds out the various "main undeadlies" included in the core rules. PDF is over in the files!
Power costs 1 point of Personality.
Kin-folk: Vampire
Duration: 1d3+CL rounds
Visage: The tommyknocker’s face becomes chiropteran, with ridiculously protruding ears, flattened upturned nose, and jutting snaggle-toothed fangs. Their sunken eyes glow with unholy radiance, and fingers, connected by webbed skin, sharpen to elongated points. Dripping spittle renders them nigh-unintelligible. Attire becomes shrouded in cobwebs writhing with insects and graveworms.
Power: The tommyknocker’s senses heighten to those of an apex
predator. They can see in abject
darkness, and gain a +4 bonus to all visual-, auditory-, olfactory-, and gustatory-related rolls. Furthermore, the
tommyknocker gains a wall-crawling climb speed of 20’, and the ability to make
standing leaps of 15’.
Curse: The tommyknocker becomes malevolently ravenous for the
lifeforces of the weak and infirm. They
must make a WIL Save of DC 10 each round to avoid assaulting the closest ally /
friendliest NPC with the lowest current Hit Point total. A successful attack grapples the victim,
doing 1d6 biting damage the first round and 1d4 exsanguination damage each
subsequent round until the effect ends.
Living targets reduced to 0 Hit Points in this fashion awaken as Vampires
after three moonrises with a burning hatred for their tommyknocker sire.
Trenchmouth (statted for Dungeon / Mutant Crawl Classics)
Init +3; Atk tentacle bludgeon +5 melee (1d10+2) or tentacle grasp +4 melee (entangle plus 1d6 per round) or bite melee +3 (2d8 + disease); AC 16; HD 8d8+17; MV trundle 20' or float 10'; Act 2d20; SP camouflage, constriction, disease, infravision 120', mind-sense; SV Fort +13, Ref +4, Wil +10; AL C
I love DCC, and been enjoying the heck outta Weird Frontiers via Zoom. (For the uninitiated, it's essentially Goodman Games' version of Deadlands.)
Here's a new Dark Inheritance for Tommyknockers, PCs who die during the funnel process and come back as spoooooky undead.
Hope y'all find some use! (And the PDF version is over in the files.)
Power costs 1 point of Personality.
Kin-folk: Mummy
Duration: 1d3+CL rounds
Visage: The tommyknocker’s body desiccates. Their skin tightens and shrivels, and their height diminishes by six inches. Sinews pop and joints grind with every movement. Attire becomes weathered, tattered, and drab.
Power: The tommyknocker’s jaws distend to disgorge frenzied bugs (scorpions and centipedes if assuming the mien of an American mummy, or scarabs and locusts if Egyptian, or crawdads and dragonflies if bog variety) that swarm all targets within a 10’ long, 6’ wide-at-apex cone. For the duration, victims suffer 1d4+1 damage per round, and sentient opponents lose 1d2+1 AC [only at the onset; not cumulative] as they panic from the infestation. The tommyknocker’s compadres are ordinarily unaffected if caught in the area of effect.
Curse: The tommyknocker is overwhelmed by feelings of smug superiority and contempt for the lesser beings that dare intrude in its domain. They must make a WIL Save of DC 10 each round to keep the swarm focused on enemies; failure means bugs attack foes and friends alike.
This was already proven over forty years ago by esteemed climatologist Max Rockatansky and his colleagues, Drs Nightrider and Toecutter. Hrmph.
Yet again, the future is gonna be terrrrible. Worth the read over at NPR.
(cross-posted from here)
Everybody needs to know a guy who knows a guy... and Jimmy Drips is the best guy-knowin'-guy around. Just ask 'im—he'll tell ya!
Dang. Been ages since pythons have popped on my radar. But, boy howdy, are they poppin'...
(cross-posted from here)
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"Chainsaw" Sadie Kowalczyk |
Treat yer vehicle to a wash, tune-up, and repairs by the bevy of comely mechanics!
Take advantage of the spa, oh weary sons-of-the-road, as all truckstop amenities--from showers to cots to massages to "ahem... massages" are tended by fetching companions of all shapes, sizes, and species!
The Love Garage prides itself on being a safe, secure place to indulge, and offers assorted specialty suites for the adventurous. So if you have the time and the budget, check out the Lagoon Room, Tomb Room, Cocoon Room, Bloom Room, Broom Room, 'Shroom Room, Dune Room, Moon Room, and / or Goop Room for delights that'll blow yer gaskets! Perfect for honeymoons!
Mucks medicinal and murderous?
Automotive alluvia?
Lascivious lubes?
Señor Güsto's got 'em all!
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Professor Morgan Mist, Organist |
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Want fog machines and spoooooky ambient audio for convenient monster mashes, bashes, and / or champagne jams? Easy! ¡No hay problema! Không vấn đề!
Want caged go-go ghouls suspended over yer tomb to shimmy ya into Oblivion? Only an upcharge away!
Convenient payment plans available in alllllll the currencies: corn-squeezins, fat stacks o' toilet paper; teeth; firstborns; souls. Or even have yer not-yet-interred corpse work it off, reanimation-style, fer only the teensiest timeframe of a year or ten. Whatever works best for yer kinfolk's budget!
This is Corman, an intelligent and telepathic otyugh trenchmouth.