Tuesday, September 30, 2014


In 2011, you dared venture into a theater of mindbending madness, a sickening cesspool of smothering sweetness and slithering slime.

In 2012, you were lured back into the depraved darkness, ensorcelled by hedonistic horrors and bosomy beasts.

In 2013, the terrors leapt into YOU, insidiously infecting your psyche and soul via invasive annelids and impregnatious invaders.

But this year...

...in 2014...

...your nightmare comes to an end...

...the ultimate end...




Monday, September 29, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

"D" is for "Dopteran"


No. Enc.:  1d4 (1d4)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  120' (40')
      —Fly:  180' (60')
Armor Class:  5
Hit Dice:  12
Attacks:  2 or 1 (2 claws, or 1 proboscis, or 1 weapon)
Damage:  1d6+3 / 1d6+3, or 1d10+3 + Special, or by weapon +3
Save:  L12
Morale:  10
Hoard Class:  XIX
XP:  6,000

Dopterans are nocturnal insectoids that stand 7'-9' atop spindly limbs.  Their broad wings leave dustings of pale powder as they flutter.

Dopterans are masters of stealth and martial combat.  When a dopteran attacks with its retractable proboscis, a successful strike means that the target suffers an automatic +1d6 damage per round siphoning damage.  The creatures feed off of liquids, you see...and they favor the internal juices of living things (including mutant plants).  And dopteran raiders target stockpiles of water, liquor, fuel, and Ancient beverages for consumption in fancy tasting parties.

Pulses of light (such as from the Control Light Waves mutation, strobing artifacts, flickering flames, etc.) lull dopterans into a trance-like state for 1d6 rounds upon a failed Saving Throw Vs. Stun.  They suffer a -3 penalty on all such rolls.

Mutations:  Chameleon Epidermis, Combat Empathy, Dual Cerebellum (+ extra Mental Mutation), Energy-Retaining Cell Structure

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Mutants In The News — "Google Preps For The Sharkocalypse" Edition

It's long-known that those toothy predators target sunken power and telecom lines.

I imagine that the dreaded subterranean seps from Gamma World congregate near Ancient energy plants and ruined communications hubs.  That's a hook certainly worthy of an adventure or three.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Mutants In The News — "I Think That I Shall Never See...Something, Something, Radioactivity" Edition

[This accidentally sat in my drafts cue for months.  Apologies!]

The illustrious Smithsonian reports that, decades after the fact, long-dead trees in the Chernobyl hot zones aren't decomposing properly.  And by "properly", they mean "the fundamental processes underlying ecosystemic function are plum broken, and new stuff ain't growin' cuz old stuff ain't dyin'."

(I may have paraphrased there.)

Scientists suspect that the radiation impacted not only the insects that facilitate rotting, but also the fungi and microbes, leading to an abundance of leaf litter and debris.  The ruined vegetation just won't go away.

It's a fascinating read.  And, clearly, the Mutant Future is full of dead-yet-still-standing trees. Zomboreal forests, perhaps?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

"P" is for "Phibbon"


No. Enc.:  1d8 (3d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  120' (40')
Armor Class:  4
Hit Dice:  2
Attacks:  1 (bite)
Damage:  1d6
Save:  L1
Morale:  8
Hoard Class:  II
XP:  47

The arboreal, 2'-tall phibbons possess massive jaws and grinding teeth to better masticate nuts and armored mutant plants. And though their markings render them almost invisible in the treetops, phibbons' incessant hoot-croaks make them considerably less than stealthy (meaning they Surprise on a 1-3 on 1d6).

Phibbons shoot energy beams (type determined at random) from their cyclopean eyes, and their bites inject a powerful hallucinogen which causes Confusion for 1d12 hours upon a failed Saving Throw Versus Poison.  Native tribes use such secretions for medicinal purposes, and in religious rites.

Mutations:  Energy Ray (Any), Toxic Weapon (Venom)