(cross-posted from here)
"Chainsaw" Sadie Kowalczyk |
Despite lopped limbs and gnarly trauma, Sadie Kowalczyk final gal'd the hell out of that inbred cannibal family with their own terror-tools. And per the KIATIS ("Kill It And Take Its Stuff") credo, she claimed their horrid homestead, transforming a backwoods Superfund-ian abattoir into one of Grueston's must-see locales.
Yep, all road trips require a visit to Chainsaw Sadie's Love Garage.
Stock up on BBQ and jerky--now, both 100% hitchhiker-free!!!--and liquid libations distilled in-house!
Treat yer vehicle to a wash, tune-up, and repairs by the bevy of comely mechanics!
Take advantage of the spa, oh weary sons-of-the-road, as all truckstop amenities--from showers to cots to massages to "ahem... massages" are tended by fetching companions of all shapes, sizes, and species!
The Love Garage prides itself on being a safe, secure place to indulge, and offers assorted specialty suites for the adventurous. So if you have the time and the budget, check out the Lagoon Room, Tomb Room, Cocoon Room, Bloom Room, Broom Room, 'Shroom Room, Dune Room, Moon Room, and / or Goop Room for delights that'll blow yer gaskets! Perfect for honeymoons!
Chainsaw Sadie--part saloon madam, part pitmisstress, part junkyard cyborg, and all woman--herself is a brazen, bawdy broad who tolerates zero nonsense. She's ferocious and protective, and takes in all manner of orphans to mold 'em from survivors to thrive-ers. Her employees adore her, so cross Sadie at yer own peril.
The lady's signature weapon (engraved with "The Family Is Sawed" below a scored-out "The Saw Is Family") hangs above the main bar. Rumor is it's fully gassed and ready to dice at a moment's notice.
Chainsaw Sadie thinks she has a friendly rivalry with
Farmer Vincent Smith and his sister, Ida. And with Vincent, she certainly does... but Ida? That schemin' spinster plots to "harvest" Sadie and add
The Love Garage to the Smith culinary empire. The puritanical Vincent would take affront at such unseemliness (what with all the liquor and prostitution, above and beyond the simple galling treachery), so Ida's machinates on the sly. Maybe she'll hire some PCs to do the dirty work...?
Don't Mess With Wrexus: The Movie, "Chainsaw" Sadie is portrayed by Aunjanue Ellis.]