No. Enc.: 0 (4d4)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 7
Attacks: 1 (head-butt or trample)
Damage: 2d4 or 2d10
Save: L4
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: None
XP: 2,890
Thundirges are enormous blue herbivores that travel in familial herds across the plains and grasslands of the Mutant Future. They stand between 5'-6' at the shoulder, reach lengths of 12' long, and weigh between 2-3 tons. Eight bony tubes of increasing size sprout from the tips of their snouts to the top of their skulls.
Thundirges utilize these tubes not only as nostrils, but also as resonating chambers for generating sonic frequencies ranging from melodious whistles to triumphant trumpeting, to bellowing rumbles to forlorn piping. They can communicate over vast distances with these sounds, and use them to devastating effect in combat (when not Charging and/or Trampling, that is).
To activate their harmonics-based Disintegration mutations, thundirges must work in unison in groups of at least three...and because of this joint effort, they ignore the unconsciousness-inducing side effects. Their collective WIL for this attack is determined at a value of 13+1d8.
Legends insist that, deep in the wastelands, there are secret "thundirge graveyards" littered with valuable ivory and treasure. And given their complex vocalizations and structured social behaviors, some believe that thundirges are sentient.
Mutations: Echolocation, Disintegration (Restricted), Energy Ray (Sonic), Increased Sense (Hearing), Increased Sense (Smell), Reflective Epidermis (Sonics), Shriek (Greater)
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 7
Attacks: 1 (head-butt or trample)
Damage: 2d4 or 2d10
Save: L4
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: None
XP: 2,890
Thundirges are enormous blue herbivores that travel in familial herds across the plains and grasslands of the Mutant Future. They stand between 5'-6' at the shoulder, reach lengths of 12' long, and weigh between 2-3 tons. Eight bony tubes of increasing size sprout from the tips of their snouts to the top of their skulls.
Thundirges utilize these tubes not only as nostrils, but also as resonating chambers for generating sonic frequencies ranging from melodious whistles to triumphant trumpeting, to bellowing rumbles to forlorn piping. They can communicate over vast distances with these sounds, and use them to devastating effect in combat (when not Charging and/or Trampling, that is).
To activate their harmonics-based Disintegration mutations, thundirges must work in unison in groups of at least three...and because of this joint effort, they ignore the unconsciousness-inducing side effects. Their collective WIL for this attack is determined at a value of 13+1d8.
Legends insist that, deep in the wastelands, there are secret "thundirge graveyards" littered with valuable ivory and treasure. And given their complex vocalizations and structured social behaviors, some believe that thundirges are sentient.
Mutations: Echolocation, Disintegration (Restricted), Energy Ray (Sonic), Increased Sense (Hearing), Increased Sense (Smell), Reflective Epidermis (Sonics), Shriek (Greater)