Sunday, January 30, 2011

"L" is for "Labwrath"


No. Enc.:  1 (1)
Alignment:  Chaotic
Movement:  150' (50')
Armor Class:  4
Hit Dice:  8
Attacks:  6, or 1 (4 claws, 1 tail-slap, 1 bite, or by weapon)
Damage:  1d4 / 1d4 / 1d4 / 1d4 / 1d6 / 1d8, or by weapon
Save:  L8
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  IX, XIV, XV, XVI, XIX, XXI, XXII
XP:  7,060

The Labwraths are not only some of the most striking beings in the Mutant Futurestanding over 7' tall, and possessing oversized craniums, 4 arms, and albino colorationsbut also the most sinister.

Twistedly brilliant (with INT and WIL scores of 15 + 1d6), the Labwraths are obsessed with the sciences and technology of The Ancients, and make their lairs in ruined hospitals, laboratories, factories, observatories, military installations, and the like.  They not only repair any artifacts and machines they find, but also fashion wondrous new devices from the old.  Almost all Labwraths fancy Ancient scientific garb (labcoats, surgical masks, goggles, or radiation suits) with pockets stuffed with relevant accessories:  tongue depressors, stethoscopes, thermometers, syringes, clipboards, calculators, working PDAs, etc.

The only thing greater than a Labwrath's thirst for knowledge is its cruelty.  Malicious and arrogant, the creatures coldly view all other lifeforms as disposable fodder for their twisted experiments.  Labwrath strongholds always have a dedicated "maze zone" rigged with hazards, traps, and puzzles designed to gauge the intelligence and mettle of intruders.  Such "test subjects" are timed and monitored throughout their ordeal, and invariably end up strapped to a table for study, experimentation...or worse.

While nasty fighters, Labwraths avoid physical combat when possible, and prefer to have platoons of reactivated robots/Androids, mind-control-implanted slaves, and/or genetically-altered beasts do their dirty work.  They also innoculate themselves against all known diseases and toxins.

Labwraths despise their relatives the Vermen, and actively try to subjugate or destroy any nearby colonies simply out of spite.

Mutations:  Aberrant Form (Extra Limbs), Albinism [D], Increased Balance, Increased Sense (Touch), Intellectual Affinity (Tinkerer), Know Direction, Mental Barrier, Night Vision, Prehensile Tail, Quick Mind, Shriek

Saturday, January 29, 2011

"S" is for "Skeal"

Skeal  ("Skybiter")

No. Enc.:  0 (2d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  18' (6')
          Fly:  210' (70')
Armor Class:  5
Hit Dice:  5+2
Attacks:  1 (bite)
Damage:  2d6
Save:  L3
Morale:  10
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  660

Skeals are hefty beasts that reach lengths of 10'-12' long and weights of 1,000-1500 pounds.  They nest in mountainous regions, but cruise long distances to hunt over wide-open plains and savannahs.

A skeal's coloration makes it the perfect aerial predator.  When viewed from below, their bluish fur mimics the color of the sky, and from above, their brownish-gold tones resemble grassland hues; consequently, they Surprise targets on a roll of 1-4 on 1d6, and gain +2 to Initiative rolls.  Skeals favor the Dive maneuver to subdue prey.

They attack as a flock, and often fixate on one target.  Skeals and babloons are natural enemies.

Mutations:  Psionic Flight

Thursday, January 27, 2011

"V" is for "Verman"


No. Enc.:  2d8 (5d20)
Alignment:  Lawful or Neutral
Movement:  150' (50')
Armor Class:  6
Hit Dice:  3
Attacks:  4 or 1 (2 claws, 1 tailslap, 1 bite, or by weapon)
Damage:  1d4 / 1d4 / 1d6 / 1d8, or by weapon
Save:  L3
Morale:  8
Hoard Class:  V, VIII, IX, XIV, XIX
XP:  185

Vermen are lithe, agile humanoids that average heights of 5' and weights of 100 pounds.  They dwell almost exclusively in blighted urban areas and Ancient ruins, turning derelict buildings, sewer systems, and subway tunnels into expansive colonies.  Not only are Vermen scavengers, but they also grow their own food, farming subterranean fungi and raising oversized insects.  Their cleanliness and organization is a source of racial pride.

The peaceful Vermen tend to keep to themselves, but gladly establish trading relationships with outlying settlements.  They frequently uncover huge stockpiles of Ancient artifacts, processed goods, and medicines in their excavations, and barter these relics for fresh vegetables and hand-made goods.

Vermen are extremely stealthy (surprising opponents on a Surprise Check roll of 1-4 on 1d6), and some with adventurous ambitions parlay these skills as the finest scouts, guides, trackers, and treasure-hunters.  They are immune to all known diseases.

Mutations:  Echolocation, Increased Balance, Increased Sense (Hearing), Increased Sense (Smell), Increased Sense (Taste), Night Vision, Prehensile Tail, Shriek

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"S" is for "Scramel"


No. Enc.:  0 (2d4)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  330' (110')
Armor Class:  3
Hit Dice:  3
Attacks:  4 (2 bites, 2 kicks)
Damage:  1d4 / 1d4 / 1d8 / 1d8
Save:  L3
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  110

Scramels appear almost identical to their Ancient ancestors, except for a darker, reddish coloration.  They dwell in deserts and badlands, and navigate such terrain with ease.

A scramel's hump contains a massive nerve cluster that effectively acts as a second brain.  This "brain" grants not only hyper-quick reflexes and one additional random Mental Mutation, but also makes them all the more ornery, stubborn, and temperamental (meaning each scramel has a WIL score of 10+1d8); consequently, they are nigh-impossible to tame.  A scramel will only submit to someone possessing both a higher WIL score and either the Metaconcert or Neural Telepathy mutations...and it will still take 2d3 months of intense training and practice.

Mutations:  Dual Cerebellum, Increased Willpower, Metaconcert, Quickness

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Queen of the Clamazons!

Sunaami Phoon

Character Type:  Clamazon
Alignment:  Chaotic

Level:  10th
Hit Points:  100
Armor Class:  -1

Strength:  20 (+4 To Hit / Damage)
Dexterity:  16 (-2 AC)
Constitution:  17
Intelligence:  12
Willpower:  16
Charisma:  18

Saving Throws
Energy Attacks:  7
Poison / Death:  6
Stun Attacks:  8
Radiation:  7

Mutations:  Combat Empathy, Empathy, Frailty (Water Dependency) [D], Increased Physical Attribute (Strength), Intellectual Affinity (Martial), Natural Armor (Extreme) (x2)

Special Abilities
Warrior Queen  (+3 HD above racial HD)
"Shellmet" (-1 AC, +2 to Saving Throws Versus Stun Attacks)

Warp-Field Sword (1d8 + 16, treats any armor as if 2 AC worse)
Longsword (1d8)
Trident (1d6)

Bonus Totals
To Hit:  +9  (Str + Combat Empathy + Martial Affinity)
Extra Melee Damage:  +4d6+7  (Str + Increased Str + Combat Empathy + Martial Affinity)

XP:  4,100

Sailors pray to their gods at the mere mention of the name Sunaami Phoon, Queen of the Clamazons.  Also known as "The Reefreaver" and "She of the Sword and Shell", Phoon terrorizes the seas with a veritable army of her sister-brigands.  She clawed her way to the top rank of her race through force, ferocity, and guile (plus a generous use of her Empathy mutations), and she is as deadly and merciless in combat as she is bawdy and lusty in her passions.

Although Clamazons have no conception of modesty and generally wear only the most cursory of garments (if any at all), Phoon frequently adorns her battle-scared carapace in Ancient jewelry and accessories.  Such decoration feeds her vanity just as much as it inspires her followers.

She sports an elaborate head-shell that functions as a helmet proper.  She can open and close it at will, and often positions it so that only her glowing eyes are revealed within. 

Phoon favors swords both archaic and technological, and enjoys toying with lesser foes by forcing them into unfair, outclassed swashbuckling duels.  And despite her penchant for raw brutality, she often holds back on attacks, so as to draw out combats for her own savage amusement.

Mutagenic Milestone!

3 months, 50 distinct muties, and 26 followers.  Not too shabby, methinks.

I've had a hoot AND a holler doing this blog.  Much gratitude to you all.

As a special thanks, I'm posting a bonus NPC...the dreaded QUEEN OF THE CLAMAZONS!

"S" is for "Scarykeet"


No. Enc.:  1d4 (2d6)
Alignment:  Chaotic
Movement:  12' (4')
          Fly:  120' (40')
Armor Class:  3
Hit Dice:  1
Attacks:  1 (bite)
Damage:  1d3
Save:  L2
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  25

Scarykeets are tiny birds with distinctive head plumage that resembles nothing less than a human skull.  They nest in deep forests, jungles, and Ancient ruins.

While not intelligent in the traditional sense, scarykeets evince a malevolent, sinister cunning.  They effectively use their Empathy and Mental Phantasm Mental Mutations to instill abject terror within their prey, resulting in paralysis, hysteria (where the victim attacks its fellows), or a panicked flight response (with the victim invariably fleeing into environmental hazards, or nearby lairs of dangerous creatures).  Scarykeets particularly target those with Phobia Drawbacks, so as to manipulate their prey's deepest fears.  When a victim is subduedeither by direct or indirect meansthe flock descends to feed on the remains.

All scarykeets are considered to have a  WIL score of 12+1d6, and they are immune to the effects of the Vampiric Field Mutation.

Mutations:  Empathy, Mental Phantasm, Mind Thrust, Vampiric Field

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"P" is for "Peliphant"

Peliphant  ("Big Gulper")

No. Enc.:  0 (2d8)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  120' (40')
      Swim:  24' (8')
Armor Class:  4
Hit Dice:  12
Attacks:  1 (bite, or trample)
Damage:  1d12, or 4d8
Save:  L6
Morale:  8
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  2,000

Peliphants are enormous creatures that congregate near lakes, rivers, marshes, and beaches; essentially, anywhere both fish and plant-matter are plentiful.  Covered in feathers ranging in color from white to gray to dark brown, they stand 13'-15' tall and weigh in excess of 6 tons.

Peliphants spend most of their time feeding, using their toothy beak-pouches to scoop up hundreds of pounds of fish, crustaceans, amphibians, and vegetation a day.  They can also submerge for up to 2 hours, so as to trudge along lake-bottoms and riverbeds and dredge for food. 

When threatened, they use the stadard Trample maneuver to crush their foes.  And while peliphants swallow man-sized or smaller opponents on an Attack Roll of 17-20 (which inflicts initial bite damage, plus 1d8 extra damage per round while inside the beast), they invariably regurgitate such targetsassuming they're not fish-based Mutant Animals or Mutant Plants, that iswithin 2d6 rounds.  Anything spewed forth in this fashion must make a Saving Throw Versus Stun Attacks at a -3 penalty, or be Stunned for 1d4+1 rounds.

Most fishing communities dread peliphants and put bounties on entire herds; however, some tribes (like the Meen'go) domesticate them for use as mounts and/or beasts of burden.

Mutations:  None

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"B" is for "Buzzooka"

Buzzooka  ("Bombug")

No. Enc.:  1d6 (2d10)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  30' (10')
          Fly:  150' (50')
Armor Class:  6
Hit Dice:  6
Attacks:  1 (plasma burst)
Damage:  2d6+2
Save:  L3
Morale:  8
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  820

Buzzookas are large, soft-bodied insects that reach 3' high and 5' long.  They draw sustenance from plant nectar, sap, pollen, rotting fruit and vegetation, and dung, and congregate in floral jungles and overgrown ruins.  Their wings generate an insistent, grating hum.

When threatened, buzzookas discharge an incendiary mass of multi-colored plasma from their snouts at a range of up to 25'.  This attack can prove quite dangerous to adventurers, as not only does it do damage outright, but also has a 45% chance of igniting flammable liquids, powder-based ammunition, and paper goods.  [Such combustion does additional damage, as the Mutant Lord sees fit.]

If a buzzooka is reduced to 0 Hit Points or less by piercing weapons, firearms, and/or energy attacks, the volatile gases within its body erupt in an explosion that does 5d6 damage to all within a 10' radius.  A successful Saving Throw Versus Energy Attacks results in only half damage, and buzzookas themselves are immune to the explosive effects of their fellows' deaths.

Mutations:  Aberrant Form ("Plasma-Proboscis")

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"Q" is for "Quicksilverfish"


No. Enc.:  2d6 (2d12)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  90' (30')
Armor Class:  7
Hit Dice:  4
Attacks:  1 (bite)
Damage:  1d4+3 + poison
Save:  L8
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  245 [see below]

As the waters of The Ancients' era became increasingly polluted with toxic heavy metals, one species evolved in the most extreme manner possible:  quicksilverfish essentially transformed into living mercury.  They are slender, shimmering fish that reach lengths of 3'-4' long and possess undulating bodies that stretch and compress as needed to slip through the tiniest of apertures and narrowest of crevices.  Quicksilverfish reside in both fresh- and saltwater, and are often encountered in polluted waterways, rivers, and lakes both above and below ground, plus ruined hatcheries, water parks, and zoological aquariums.  No net can hold them.

Their bite injects a Class 5 poison, and their composition makes them inedible to all but the hardiest mutants.

A quicksilverfish is only harmed by energy attacks; damage from all other sources breaks the creature into smaller organisms of reduced mass.  Each successful strike creates a new fish of 2 HD that does 1d4 damage, and these micro-fish eventually mature into standard 4 HD adults.

Conversely, individual quicksilverfish can merge into a larger composite organism.  Two 4 HD fish can spend 1 round to combine into a 5 HD fish with maximum HP (any previous damage to the individuals is ignored) that does an additional +1d4 damage.  Each subsequent addition of another 4 HD fish contributes more mass, adding another full +1 HD and doing another +1d4 damage.  [So, four separate 4 HD quicksilverfish become a composite 7 HD organism with a maximum 56 hit points that does 4d4+3 damage.  Continue as necessary.]  Upon reaching 10 HD, the now gigantic beast gains the Swallow ability on a roll of 18-20...and given their resistance to cutting attacks, there is no way to escape unless the creature is killed by external means.  Anything consumed in this manner takes 1d12 damage per round, and drownsand is digested outrightwithin 10 rounds.    Theoretically, there is no upper limit to the size a composite quicksilverfish can reach.  Upon slaying, XP is calculated by the total value of the individuals, or the total HD of the composite—whichever is greater.  Quicksilverfish always appear in schools when first encountered, as they seemingly only merge when threatened...and then separate when the threat has passed.

Damaging a composite quicksilverfish breaks the creature down into distinct individuals again; as above, each successful strike from a conventional weapon dislodges a 4 HD fish (with its original Hit Points) off from the mass, reducing the larger's HD and damage as appropriate.

Mutations:  Aberrant Form (Amorphousness), Toxic Weapon ("Mercury Poisoning")

Sunday, January 16, 2011

"C" is for "Craytor"


No. Enc.:  1 (1d4)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  90' (30')
      Swim:  60' (20')
   Burrow:  30' (10')
Armor Class:  2
Hit Dice:  9
Attacks:  3 (2 pincers, 1 bite)
Damage:  1d10 / 1d10 / 2d8
Save:  L5
Morale:  10
Hoard Class:  XV
XP:  3,800

Craytors are massive beasts that reach lengths of 15'-20' (nose to tail) and weights of 1,500-3,000 pounds, and possessing both lungs and gills, they move freely between land and water.  Their thick hides, comprised of scales and chitin, are nigh-impervious (meaning they take only 1/4 damage from conventional melee weapons and firearms).

Craytors dwell near rivers, streams, swamps, and ruined sewers.  When not hunting in the murky depths, they dig large burrows comprised of multiple tunnels and chambers (which tend to fill with water).  These dens are easily recognizable, as the entrances resemble hardened mud "chimneys" that jut 10'-15' above the ground.

Voracious predators, they fixate on one prey item and rend and tear until it's dead, then spend 1d6 rounds devouring all the chunks before moving on to the next target.  They also scavenge for carrion.

As craytors grow, they molt out of their carapaces.  Traders and armorers pay a premium for such husks, as they can be fashioned into exquisite armor and shielding (such armor grants a -3 AC bonus).  Craytor meat is also a delicacy.

Mutations:  Aberrant Form (Gills and Lungs), Natural Armor (Extreme) (x2), Night Vision

Friday, January 14, 2011

"H" is for "Haarmvark"


No. Enc.:  0 (2d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  120' (40')
Armor Class:  6
Hit Dice:  5
Attacks:  1 (heatbutt)
Damage:  1d8
Save:  L6
Morale:  8
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  950

Although the various vark subspecies are key components in the Mutant Future food chain, most predators know to give haarmvarks a wide berth.  Their garish coloration and surly disposition serve as warnings that they are no easy prey.

Haarmvarks don't excrete; instead, they metabolize waste by turning it into a toxic, oily vapor that can be discharged from nodules on their backsides.  This spraya Class 7 poisonforms a 20' diameter cloud around the haarmvark, and anything caught within takes 7d6 damage each round until the poison dissipates 2d4 rounds later; furthermore, the target is blinded for 2d6 rounds. (A successful Saving Throw Versus Poison results in half damage, and blindness for 1d6 rounds.)

Not only are haarmvarks immune to their own toxin, they are also resistant to all known poisons, diseases, and radiation.

Mutations:  Dual-Headed, Reflective Epidermis (Radiation), Toxic Weapon ("Venom-Vapor")

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"W" is for "Whalewolf"


No. Enc.:  1d4 (2d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  180' (60')
      Swim:  240' (80')
Armor Class:  6
Hit Dice:  8
Attacks:  1 (bite)
Damage:  2d10
Save:  L4
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  3,060

Stalking the colder climes of the northern and southern hemispheres, whalewolves are one of the more bizarre predators of the Mutant Future.  They are equally at home in the sea or on land, and owe such versatility to the ability to shift between two distinct physiologies.  In its enormous aquatic form, a whalewolf has a shaggy, lupine head and sleek, flippered body that reaches a length of 20-25' long.  To leave the water, however, the flippers grow into clawed limbs, the head becomes bullet-shaped, the snout relocates to a blowhole, and the body compacts, leaving a creature the size of a large, muscular bovine.

Whalewolves are social pack hunters, and extremely tenacious and cunning.  They use barking vocalizations to coordinate, and will pursue prey across icefloes, through forests, over mountains, and even into caves or ruins.

One of the most haunting experiences of the Mutant Future is to be at far at sea, and hearing howls drift over the waves as a whalewolf pack breaks the surface to bay at the moon.

Mutations:  Increased Sense (Hearing), Increased Sense (Smell), Metamorph, Night Vision, Reflective Epidermis (Cold)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"A" is for "Arguduck"


No. Enc.:  0 (1d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  45' (15')
          Fly:  120' (60')
          Swim:  45' (15')
Armor Class:  1
Hit Dice:  3
Attacks:  1 (bite)
Damage:  1d4
Save:  L2
Morale:  8
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  200

Arguducks are 2' tall creatures that congregate in wetlands and near sources of plentiful fresh water.  They are typically white or mottled brown, with males sometimes having green and brown plumage.

Each arguduck possesses three primary eyes, and 3d6 eyestalks of varying length, shape, and color.   From these eyes, arguducks can fire up to three Energy Rays (type determined randomly, with duplicates allowed).  Multiple Rays can be fired in the same round—even at different targets—but most arguducks stagger their attacks so one Ray is always available while the others recharge.

Arguducks are never surprised, nor are they ever blinded; their sheer number of eyes ensure some are always open while others are blinking.  And their hyper-aware consciousnesses make them extremely difficult to hit in combat.

Some suggest arguducks may be sentient.

Mated pairs lay 1d6 eggs.  Eating a raw arguduck egg grants 1 random beneficial Mental Mutation, but at a costthe subject has to endure 18 hours of paralyzing, debilitating hallucinations, and after the ordeal, suffers a temporary loss of -4 DEX for 1d4 days.

Mutations:  Energy Ray (Any) (x3), Increased Sense (Vision), Increased Willpower, Mind Reflection, Precognition, Unique Sense (360-Degree Vision)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

"C" is for "Clamazon"


No. Enc.:  1d6 (3d12)
Alignment:  Chaotic
Movement:  60' (20')
      Swim:  150' (50')
Armor Class:  2
Hit Dice:  7+2
Attacks:  2 or 1 (2 fists, or melee weapon)
Damage:  2d4 / 2d4 (or by melee weapon +3d6)
Save:  L7
Morale:  11
Hoard Class:  VII, XIV, XV, XXII
XP:  2,500

Brigands, pirates, slavers, and conquerors:  all describe the dread race of aquatic female barbarians known as the Clamazons.   Rightly feared both below and above the waves of the Mutant Future, they are renowned for their immense physical strength, mighty combat prowess, cunning savagery, nautical aptitude, and insatiable base appetites.  They stand between 5'-6' tall, and are covered in thick, shell-like exoskeletons (meaning they suffer only 1/4 damage from standard melee weapons and conventional firearms).  Each individual Clamazon has a unique ridged carapace that frames their heads, with more elaborate growths indicating higher status within the clan.

A rather primitive people, Clamazons use tridents, spears, clubs, axes, nets, and the like; however, some enterprising chieftains use Ancient armaments, which are often modified to work underwater.

As Clamazons are exclusively female, they raid shore-side and undersea settlements for more than wealththey also kidnap male Pure Humans, Mutant Humans, and humanoid Mutant Animals for mating.  Clamazons bind their captives with special coral-based helmets so the prisoners survive the journey to undersea grotto "nurseries".  Mating between Clamazon and male creates a brood-clutch of 2d10 eggs.  Once the captives have fulfilled their reproductive purposes, the Clamazons use them for slave labor, sell them to other slavers, ransom them back...or kill them as food.

Clamazons die if they remain outside of salt water for more than an hour.

Mutations:  Frailty (Water Dependency) [D], Increased Physical Attribute (Strength), Natural Armor (Extreme) (x2)

Friday, January 7, 2011

"S" is for "Slugusk"


No. Enc.:  1d3 (2d4)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  30' (10')
      Swim:  30' (10')
Armor Class:  8
Hit Dice:  5
Attacks:  1 (bite)
Damage:  2d4 + poison
Save:  L6
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  650

The repellant slugusk (used as both the singular and plural) are squat, limbless amphibians with broad heads, sharp fangs, and corpulent bodies that reach lengths of 6'-8'.  They lurk in forests with dense underbrush, jungles, marshes, and sewers, and, despite their bulk, can slither up vertical surfaces. 

Slugusk are active, if slow, hunters, and will doggedly track prey over considerable distances.  Highly toxic creatures, not only are they coated in a poisonous slime (Class 13), but their saliva acts as a paralytic agent (Class 11).  Slugusk devour immobilized prey while it’s still alive, making them all the more loathsome.
Some tribes use slugusk excretions on their weaponry, and in medicinal concoctions.
Mutations:  Dermal Poison Slime (Class 13), Increased Sense (Smell), Toxic Weapon (Paralytic Venom)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

"F" is for "Frybis"


No. Enc.:  1d6 (2d10)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  30' (10')
          Fly:  180' (60')
Armor Class:  6
Hit Dice:  4
Attacks:  1 (peck)
Damage:  1d6
Save:  L4
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  465

Frybises are regal, brightly-hued creatures that stand 4'-5' tall and have wingspans reaching 8'-10' wide.  Fire seems to dance along their feathers.

They feed exclusively on petrochemicals, congregating and nesting in burning refineries and derricks, abandoned fuel depots, ocean drilling platforms, and waste dumps.  Frybises can detect such chemicals within 3 miles of their location, and are completely immune to the toxic effects thereof.  They see perfectly in hazy, smoky conditions.

A frybis' uniquely-coated beak is designed for piercing metal (due to their food often being sealed in drums, storage tanks, or vehicles), and consequently, the creatures gain +4 on Attack Rolls and +4 Damage against opponents in metal armor.  Frybises also exhale fiery bursts, and merely touching one inflicts heat damage.

Given the scarcity of gasoline and oil in the Mutant Future, frybises are particularly dreaded...and the fact that their mere presence can ignite said scarce resources makes them all the more fearsome.

Mutations:  Energy Ray (Heat), Energy-Retaining Cell Structure (Heat), Reflective Epidermis (Heat), Unique Sense ("Petro-Tracking"), Unique Sense ("Smoke-Sight")

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"P" is for "Pozzoom"

Pozzoom  ("Copter Possum")

No. Enc.:  1d4 (1d8)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  75' (25')
         —Fly:  210' (70')
Armor Class:  3
Hit Dice:  3
Attacks:  1 (bite) or 5 (4 claws, 1 bite)
Damage:  1d6, or 1d4 / 1d4 / 1d4 / 1d4 / 1d6
Save:  L2
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  IV, VIII
XP:  125

Pozzooms are furry, 2'-3' long nocturnal marsupials with long, whip-like tails.  They lurk in forests, Ancient ruins, abandoned sewers, and on the fringes of settlements.  Opportunistic and rapacious feeders, they devour anything edible.  Pozzooms are drawn to shiny objects, and stash trinkets in their pouches.

When not skulking and rooting through underbrush and refuse, pozzooms travel by whirling their tails so rapidly that they achieve lift-off, allowing for vertical, horizontal, and even hovering flight.  Pozzooms are their most dangerous while airborne, as they become vertible whirlwinds of destruction (gaining 5 attacks per round, instead of their earthbound 1).  Even worse, there is a 50% chance that any given pozzoom will have 1d4 young clinging to its body.  These tiny joeys (AC 0, 1 Hit Point) drop from their parent onto a target and dig in with needle-like claws and teeth.  Each "baby-bomb" automatically does 1d3 damage per round until the target, or the adult pozzoom, is dead.  Upon death of the parent, the surviving young alight from their prey and zip away.

While the creatures reek of decay, this is not always a disadvantage, as many interested predators find themselves on the pozzoom menu....

Mutations:  Aberrant Form ("Rotor-Tail"), Accumulated Resistance (Poison/Toxins), Night Vision, Prey Scent [D], Prehensile Tail

Monday, January 3, 2011

"P" is for "Paindeer"


No. Enc.:  0 (3d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  240' (80')
Armor Class:  7
Hit Dice:  4
Attacks:  1 (gore or trample)
Damage:  2d6+4 or 1d6+4
Save:  L2
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  190

Paindeer are migratory grazing animals that favor cooler climes, dwelling in forested and mountainous regions.  They reach 6' tall at the shoulder, and can weigh over a half-ton.  The larger males sport impressive antlers, while females possess only a few bony spurs (doing a reduced 1d4+2 damage).

They travel in relatively small herds, led by the largest male (who possesses an additional 1d10 hit points).  In any group, there are 4 females/young per male, and all young have half the standard adult hit points.

And unlike most herd animals, paindeer rarely flee from predators; instead, some use their Killing Sphere mutations (to which they are immune, even if generated by non-paindeer), while the rest finish off their foes with goring attacks or Tramples.

Mutations:  Killing Sphere