In recent years, I've switched from my beloved Mutant Future to Dungeon Crawl Classics.
And my favorite published setting / expansion is Umerica. It's my kinda gonzocalypse. Been playing steadily for over four years now.
I'm about to take the GM reins in my DCC group, and I'm using Aetheria as a setting. (That's what those recent posts have been about, where silly brainstorms really took root.)
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First Appearance Of All Thangs Aetheria! |
I'm cranking up the jankiness of Aetheria even further, and really leaning into the "dollar store He-Man aesthetic". Things are gonna get silly, y'all.
Cue 21st-Century Filmation fanfare and symphonic soundtrack...
Planet Aetheria is rent asunder.
Rival nations of Nirvara of Mausolea lie in ruin.
THE CONQUERORS OF THE COSMOS™—iconic noble heroes and
dastardly villains—are missing, obliterated... or worse.
And The Forces Of Good are primarily to blame.
Yes, the combined might of She-Ro (Vindicatrix Of
Virtue and Daughter Of Blacksun The Liberator), Skulletox (Seventh Corpse-Born
Son Of Skull-Or The Deceaseless), and interplanetary despot Lord Vespero
Necronox (Evil Overlord Of Evil) revealed Aetheria's darkest secret:
Castle Oldskull, renowned bastion of all that is moral
and decent, was in actuality a parasitic entity leeching the magical lifeforces
of the populace to maintain an unrighteous status quo.
And, LO!!! A mighty battle between Light,
Darkness, and Everything In-Between raged...
...wreaking techno-sorcerous havoc and freakishly
bending Reality As Was Known.
Now you—perhaps the last remaining
Aetherians (and lowly ones, at that)—find yourselves amongst the
warpwastes to forge your own paths.
Where once stood only Castle Oldskull, bizarre new
structures loom, resplendent with artifacts magical and mechanical guarded by
robo-witches, spookborgs, all manner of abominations... and worse.
The worldwreck awaits.
Long live Aetheria!