No. Enc.: 1 (1)
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 8
Attacks: 2 or 1 (2 fists, or 1 weapon)
Damage: 1d6 / 1d6, or by weapon
Save: L8
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: XIV
XP: 4,560
Neon phantoms are mincing humanoids with thin, blue skin that reveals the luminescent skeleton within. (Consequently, they can never Surprise foes, and can always be perceived from a full quarter-mile away.) Their high-pitched voices really grate on the nerves.
Neon phantoms feed on electricity. Each combat round, a neon phantom drains 2d6 charges from all weapons, gadgets, power cells, batteries, etc. in a 50' radius, all the while generating a cacophony of crackling static. Furthermore, neon phantoms wreak havoc with tech-based light sources, and can override them to create blisteringly bright, kaleidoscopically disorienting, and / or oppressively dark effects which result in To Hit penalties of -3 for all caught within.
All artifacts found in a neon phantom's hoard will be completely depleted of energy, no matter the power source.
Neon phantoms feed on electricity. Each combat round, a neon phantom drains 2d6 charges from all weapons, gadgets, power cells, batteries, etc. in a 50' radius, all the while generating a cacophony of crackling static. Furthermore, neon phantoms wreak havoc with tech-based light sources, and can override them to create blisteringly bright, kaleidoscopically disorienting, and / or oppressively dark effects which result in To Hit penalties of -3 for all caught within.
All artifacts found in a neon phantom's hoard will be completely depleted of energy, no matter the power source.
Mutations: Energy-Retaining Cell Structure, Enhanced Vision (Night), Fear Generation, Reflective Epidermis (Electricity, Lasers / Light), Teleport, Unique Mutation ("Electrical Siphon")
Inspired by Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo episode #4, "The Neon Phantom Of The Roller Disco" (1979).
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