Monday, February 28, 2011

"I" is for "Iryx"


No. Enc.:  0 (3d8)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  255' (85')
Armor Class:  5
Hit Dice:  3
Attacks:  1 (kick or gore)
Damage:  1d4 or 3d4
Save:  L2
Morale:  7
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  110

Iryxes are majestic herd animals that migrate across the plains and savannahs of the Mutant Future.   They each possess 6 eyes (granting 360-degree vision, and ensuring they are never Surprised), and the adults sport 3 impressive horns.

For any group of iryxes, there are 4 females and/or young for every 1 male.  Adult males have 1d6 more Hit Points than normal, and the young have half the standard amount.

When threatened, the males Teleport about the battlefield to not only distract predators from the fleeing females and young, but to also attempt Backstab maneuvers.  By suddenly teleporting directly behind a foe, a Backstabbing iryx gets +4 To Hit and multiplies its damage by 2.

Mutations:  Increased Sense (Vision), Teleport, Unique Sense (360-Degree Vision)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

"K" is for "Krooster"


No. Enc.:  0 (2d10)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  270' (90')
Armor Class:  6
Hit Dice:  4+3
Attacks:  3 (2 kicks, 1 bite)
Damage:  1d10 / 1d10 / 1d6
Save:  L3
Morale:  7
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  290

Kroosters are nocturnal, man-sized creatures that bound across savannahs, badlands, and deserts in search of vegetation and small live prey.  They possess dark feathers, large ears, long tails, and prominent head combs and throat wattles.

Kroosters defend themselves with sharp beaks and razor-clawed feet.  Their legs are so powerful that any target successfully struck with a To Hit roll of 15-20 must make a Saving Throw Versus Stun at a -2 penalty or be disoriented and dazed [as Paralysis] for 1d4+1 rounds.

Inside their abdominal pouches, females always have 1d6 eggs that hatch in 2 months into infants (called "kricks").  Kroosters' collective Morale spikes to 11 when defending their broods.

Mutations:  Night Vision 

Friday, February 25, 2011

"Q" is for "Quarilla"


No. Enc.:  1d4 (1d4)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  90' (30')
   —Burrow:  30' (10')
Armor Class:  2
Hit Dice:  8
Attacks:  3 or 2 (2 fists, 1 bite or 2 shards)
Damage:  2d6 / 2d6 / 1d6 or 1d8 / 1d8
Save:  L5
Morale:  4
Hoard Class:  X
XP:  4,060

Quarillas are massive, 7'-8' tall primates that dwell in mountainous regions, lurking deep underground in vast cavern complexes, volcanic lava tubes, and ruined Ancient installations/bunkers.  They feed on giant fungi, lichens, tubers, insects, and grubs, and occasionally venture forth to forage on the surface.  A quarilla's powerful frame is coated by a dazzling crystalline carapace, typically of yellowish, pinkish, or glassy-clear coloration; there are rare variants, though, matching gemstone hues.

This carapace provides many benefits.  When threatened, quarilllas either flick their spiked wrists to launch shards up to 50' with deadly accuracy (+3 To Hit at range), or wade in flailing with armor-piercing (+2 To Hit) fists.  Quarillas prefer to Chargethereby doing double damageif afforded enough room to maneuver.  Defensively, anyone successfully striking a quarilla bare-handed suffers 1d8 damage.  Quarillas can also freely reflect/refract light-based attacks, requiring only a standard To Hit roll to target either the original aggressor or another subject of their choice.

Quarilla crystals and hides (representing the creatures' "treasure") fetch high prices from merchants, artisans, and shamans...and those from the elusive "jewel" varieties are the most valuable of all, with values increasing up to an additional 2d6x1000 GP.

Mutations:  Natural Armor (Extreme) (x2), Reflective Epidermis (Light/Lasers), Spiny Growth (Large), Thermal Vision

Thursday, February 24, 2011

"J" is for "Juggermaw"


No. Enc.:  0 (1)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  120' (40')
Armor Class:  3
Hit Dice:  10
Attacks:  1 or 7 (butt or trample, or 6 bludgeons, 1 bite)
Damage:  2d6 or 3d8, or 1d8 / 1d8 / 1d8 / 1d8 / 1d8 / 1d8 / 1d10
Save:  L4
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  VII, VIII
XP:  4,500

Juggermaws are horrifying beasts of massive size and power, with bodies reaching lengths of 15', heights of 6'-7' tall, and weights of 5-6 tons.  Each sprouts six thick, 6'-7' long tentacles that surround grasping three-pronged mandibles.  Lacking eyes, juggermaws use sonar and oversized ears to navigate.  Their ridged, gray hides are so dense that they only take half damage from conventional weapons and armaments.

Juggermaws plod across the landscape, scooping up plants and live prey alike...but despite their prominent jaws, their actual mouth orifices are small, so they stomp, bludgeon, and rend food into managable mashed chunks.  Consequently, a hungry juggermaw first Charges in (doing double damage in the process), and then follows up with Tramples, flailing tentacles, and snapping mouth.  Valuables sometimes accumulate in their digestive tracks.

They take +3 damage per die from sonic-based attacks, as a result of their hyper-sensitive hearing.

Mutations:  Echolocation, Frailty (Sonic Attacks) [D], Increased Sense (Hearing)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"W" is for "Weevzel"


No. Enc.:  1d2 (1d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  180' (60')
   —Burrow:  45' (15')
Armor Class:  3
Hit Dice:  4
Attacks:  5 (4 claws, 1 bite)
Damage:  1d4 / 1d4 / 1d4 / 1d4 / 1d6
Save:  L2
Morale:  10
Hoard Class:  VI, XIV, XV, XVI
XP:  520

While weevzels are striking creatures thanks to their elongated bodies, bulging insectoid eyes, extra limbs, and bushy tails, their most noteworthy features are prominent snouts equipped with needle-like fangs and bulbous antennae nodules.  They reach total lengths of 8'-10' long and stand 2' tall at the shoulder, but can reach heights of 4'-5' tall when balancing upright.  Their fur changes from reddish-brown and white to solid white in the winter months.

Weevzels are voracious eaters, not only devouring crops (grains, cotton, fruit), nuts, and seeds, but also live prey.  They wriggle into earthen burrows to eat the occupants within, and also attack domesticated herds and coops...and even sleeping villagers.

Dexterous and clever, weevzels are adept at avoiding/escaping traps and poisons laid out for them, and their compound eyes ensure they're never Surprised.  They hoard shiny and interesting (as the word applies to their own unique senses) objects in their dens.

Females lay gooey clutches of 4d12 eggs.  Fortunately for the Mutant Future ecosystem, only 1d4 young survive the first few days, as the most formidable offspring consume their weaker siblings.  Tales abound about vast subterranean chambers where weevzel swarms gather to lay their eggs in the thousands...which also happen to be filled floor to ceiling with the valuables and Artifacts they've gathered.

Mutations:  Increased Balance, Increased Caloric Needs [D], Increased Sense (Smell), Increased Sense (Taste), Increased Sense (Touch), Night Vision, Regenerative Capability, Unique Sense (360-Degree Vision)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mutants In The News — Inaugural Edition

Two recent articles are chock full o' doomsday goodness.  It should come as no surprise that they both pertain to New York City, home of all things Armageddon-ish:  Snake Plissken, ape-planets, and CHUDs.

The New York Times' brings us A Legal Manual for an Apocalyptic New York.  It details the new how-to handbook—the New York State Public Health Legal Manual:  A Guide for Judges, Attorneys, and Public Health Officials—for The Law to function in a disaster.  The deceptively dull title and dry text conceals a parorama of paranoiac nightmare fodder.  (The PDF is available here.)

)  Next up is a Discovery News article, Mutation Lets Fish Thrive In Toxins.  Remember, can't spell Superfund without the word Super!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

"C" is for "Cobaltoad"


No. Enc.:  1d4 (1d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  120' (40')
      Swim:  90' (30')
Armor Class:  6
Hit Dice:  7
Attacks:  2 (1 tongue-lash, 1 bite)
Damage:  1d8 / 1d12
Save:  L4
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  VI
XP:  2,190

Cobaltoads, the adult form of radpoles, are massive, bluish, lumpy amphibians that grow to the size of Ancient automobiles.  While favoring wet and humid environs, they are also encountered in dryer, rockier climes.  They adhere to even the slickest vertical surfaces with ease.

Ambush predators, cobaltoads lurk near water's edge, in underbrush, or along cave/ruin walls, and Surprise prey on a roll of 1-4 on 1d6.  They lash out with 25' long sticky, clubbed tongues, and on a successful hit they yank humanoid-sized (or smaller) targets into their jaws for a biting attack.  A To Hit roll of a 19-20 results in the victim being swallowed, who suffers 1d8 digestion damage per round.  They can also project radioactive beams [Radiation Class determined randomly].

Cobaltoads secrete a toxin (Class 11 paralytic poison) that not only induces debilitating hallucinations, but also drains 1d8 points of Wisdom for 1d4 days.  Shamans and healers can fashion a topical poultice from this fluid  that grants the user full immunity to radiation damage for 24 hours.  Wearing the poultice for more than three consecutive days permanently turns the user's skin blue.

Mutations:  Dermal Poison Slime, Energy Ray (Radiation), Increased Balance, Reflective Epidermis (Radiation)

"R" is for "Radpole"


No. Enc.:  1d6 (1d12)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  105' (35')
      Swim:  75' (25')
Armor Class:  7
Hit Dice:  4
Attacks:  2 (1 tail-slap, 1 head-butt)
Damage:  1d4 / 1d6
Save:  L3
Morale:  7
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  300

Feeding off of algae and vegetation, the amphibious radpoles are found in warm and wet environs—lakes, marshes, stagnant ditches, toxic dumping sites, abandoned sewers, cave networks—and the more polluted, the better.  They stand 3' tall at the shoulder, reach total lengths of 6-8' long, and weigh over 200 pounds.  Radpoles glow with an unholy yellow-green luminescence.

Radpoles emit beams of raw radioactivity [with Radiation Class determined at random per the Radiation Table] from the spiky nodules on their heads, and the higher level their radioactivity, the brighter they glow.

At about 1 year of age, a radpole encases itself in a thick cocoon of luminous green jelly, and emerges in 1d4+1 days as a fully-developed cobaltoad.

Radpoles are a staple food source for glowbras; in fact, some theorize that consuming the radioactive amphibians is key in maintaining a glowbra's own toxicity.

Mutations:  Aberrant Form (Gills and Lungs), Accumulated Resistance (Pollutants), Energy Ray (Radiation), Reflective Epidermis (Radiation)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"A" is for "Aarborvark"


No. Enc.:  0 (1d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  90' (30')
Armor Class:  5
Hit Dice:  4
Attacks:  1 (heatbutt)
Damage:  1d6
Save:  L5
Morale:  6
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  135 (+55 if extra Mutation)

Aarborvarks are the most shy and elusive of the vark subspecies, as they dwell within the hearts of deep forests and jungles.  Their dark, ridged hides take on a woody texture, and provides nooks for moss, lichens, ferns, and leafy plants to take root and flourish across their bodies.

There is a 25% chance that any given aarborvark will have one of the following random Plant Mutations:   Dermal Acid Sap, Dermal Poison Sap, Grenade-Like Fruit, or Poisonous Spores.  Aarborvarks are immune to the effects of these types of mutations if possessed by their fellows.

Mutations:  Chameleon Epidermis, Dual-Headed

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Great Minds, And All That

Having read comics and played RPGs for three decades, I'm well acquainted with the dreaded All-The-Good-Names-Are-Taken phenomenon.  And so, in doing this blog, I've never Googled any of my mutant monsters in advance; I just dive in blind, and cross my fingers that I'm not ripping off a critter that appeared in an old issue of, say, Polyhedron or Space Gamer.

But while blundering through the data on my Stats tab, some odd links popped up, and led me to the website of artist Blake A. Chamness.  He seems fond of girantulas, too, and I loved his work so much I had to share.

He's also got a few more beasties (plus other neat material) at both and


Saturday, February 12, 2011

"M" is for "Morang"

Morang  ("Treel")

No. Enc.:  1d4 (2d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  150' (50')
Armor Class:  4
Hit Dice:  3+2
Attacks:  1 (1 bite)
Damage:  1d10+2
Save:  L2
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  VII, VIII
XP:  170

Morangs are lithe, sinewy creatures that dwell in thick forests and overgrown ruins.  Their slick, smooth, speckled skin ranges in color from drab green to off-white to dark brown.  Needle-like fangs protrude from their gaping jaws, and a finned frill runs the length of their backsides.

Morangs start their life cycle as serpentine, limbless larvae that reach lengths of 2'-3' long.  They lurk in narrow cavities in the boles of trees (or crumbling walls, if encountered in ruins), preying on small birds and mammals that get too close to their dens.  They never leave the confines of their holes (having a Movement rate of 0'), and are so patient and well-camoflaged that they Surprise targets on a roll of 1-5 on 1d6.  Climbing a tree inhabited by larval morangs is a sure way to lose fingers...or worse.

After 6-9 months, the larvae grow into 3'-4' tall bipeds with lanky limbs and grasping webbed digits (both on their hands and feet) used for brachiating through the treetops.  These adult morangs form small troops to hunt both live prey and to scavenge for carrion.  While not inclined to sit still for any length of time, they, too, can blend into their surroundings, Surprising on a roll of 1-4 on 1d6.

The shrill hooting/hissing yowls of a morang troop carry for miles.

Mutations:  Aberrant Form (Prehensile Feet), Increased Balance

Friday, February 11, 2011

"L" is for "Lucifin"


No. Enc.:  0 (3d4)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  30' (10')
      Swim:  150' (50')
Armor Class:  5
Hit Dice:  4+3
Attacks:  1 (bite)
Damage:  1d12
Save:  L2
Morale:  11
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  440

Lucifins are bulky pinnipeds that reach lengths of 8'-10' long and weights of 700-800 pounds, with thick, bluish hides, distinctive webbed ears, and deep, bellowing vocalizations.  They congregate on tropical shores, hunting in the surrounding warm waters.
Aggressive and ill-tempered, lucifins are highly territorial, and often unprovokedly attack swimmers and fishing vessels.  In combat, the largest specimens [ones with the most Hit Points] swarm with biting attacks, while the smaller swim on the periphery using Temperature Control to boil the waters around their prey.

Lucifin blubber is highly prized by traders, as it can be converted into chemical fuel.  And just a few drops of their blood can ignite kindling or other combustibles.

Mutations:  Echolocation, Increased Sense (Hearing), Reflective Epidermis (Heat), Temperature Control (Heat)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

"G" is for "Glitten"

Glitten  ("Dazzlecat")

No. Enc.:  1d6 (1d10)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  180' (60')
Armor Class:  5
Hit Dice:  2
Attacks:  3 (2 claws, 1 bite)
Damage:  1d3 / 1d3 / 1d4
Save:  L2
Morale:  8
Hoard Class:  VI
XP:  83

Glittens are felines with stocky, muscular builds (averaging 50 pounds) and dark fur that continually pulsates with sparkling light.  They dwell in urban areas, Ancient ruins, and forests, and form small prides for hunting and protection.

Glittens have complete control over their bioluminescence, confusing and disorienting  prey and predators alike with hypnotic pulses, blinding strobes, and laser-like beams.  They even use light to communicate, signalling with elaborate flashes and color changes based on mood and temperament.

While glittens can be domesticated, one gets the impression they only stick around because they want to.

Mutations:  Control Light Waves, Energy Ray (Light), Force Screen, Increased Balance, Night Vision, Optic Emissions (Bright Eyes), Reflective Epidermis (Lasers/Light)

Friday, February 4, 2011

"D" is for "Devole"


No. Enc.:  1d4 (1d10)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  90' (30')
   —Burrow:  120' (40')
Armor Class:  1
Hit Dice:  3
Attacks:  3 (2 claws, 1 bite)
Damage:  1d2 / 1d2 / 1d3
Save:  L5
Morale:  7
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  110

Devoles are small, subterranean creatures that speedily burrow through loose soil and underbrush, rooting for insects, bulbs, tubers, nuts, and seeds.  They dig expansive warrens, and also nest in warm cavern complexes and the sublevels of Ancient ruins.  Devoles are easily recognized by both the unique fleshy structures on the tops of their heads and their brightly-colored (either red or blue) snouts.

Relatively timid, they tend to bite and run, counting on the paralytic agent (Class 11 paralytic poison) in their saliva to give them time to escape; when cornered, though, devoles use their Ancestral Form mutation to regress a target into helplessness.  (Consider each devole to have a WIL of 18 for purposes of this attack.)

Mutations:  Ancestral Form, Toxic Weapon (Venom), Unique Sense (Vibrations), Vision Impairment [D]

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"M" is for "Mantipede"


No. Enc.:  1d6 (3d10)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  150' (50')
   —Burrow:  30' (10')
Armor Class:  4
Hit Dice:  7
Attacks:  5 or 3 (4 claws, 1 bite, or 1 bite, 2 weapons)
Damage:  1d6 / 1d6 / 1d6 / 1d6 / 1d10 + poison, or 1d10 + poison and by 2 weapons
Save:  L6
Morale:  10
Hoard Class:  VII, XIV
XP:  1,840

Mantipedes are a race of subterranean beings that dwell in warm, humid caves and Ancient ruins.  Their chitinous, multi-limbed bodies reach lengths of 12'-16' long and heights of 6'-8' tall, and their powerful mandibles inject a Class 6 poison.

Mantipedes are active hunters and raiders, and often come into conflict with other sentient communities.  Proud and fierce, they are adept with weapons of both the archaic and Ancient varieties, and can wield twooften one melee weapon, and one rangedwith ease.  Those that leave their communities tend to end up as mercenaries, enforcers, and bodyguards.

The Mantipede language is a complex combination of vocalizations, mandible and claw clacks, and arm and antenna gestures.  Few are able to master its nuances (although insect-based Mutant Animals have the greatest success).

Mutations:  Natural Armor (Extreme), Night Vision, Toxic Weapon (Venom), Unique Sense (Vibrations)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"S" is for "Squigeon"


No. Enc.:  2d6 (4d10)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  15' (5')
          Fly:  150' (50')
Armor Class:  7
Hit Dice:  1-4 hit points
Attacks:  1 (bite)
Damage:  1d3
Save:  L1
Morale:  7
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  5

Squigeons are small creatures with dingy, bluish-gray feathers and multiple stumpy, tentacular limbs.  They build orb-like nests out of straw and fibers, and congregate in urban centers and ruins so as to scavenge for scraps and the occassional live morsel.

Because of their habit of dirtying monuments and structures with their fetid ink, squigeons are regarded as disgusting winged vermin. 

Common expressions in the Mutant Future include:  "I'm so hungry I could eat a squigeon." and "I'd rather kiss a squigeon."

Mutations:  None

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"H" is for "Hython"


No. Enc.:  1 (1)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  90' (30')
      Swim:  60' (20')
Armor Class:  1
Hit Dice:  2 per head (8-18)
Attacks:  1 per head (bite)
Damage:  2d6 (per head)
Save:  L4 - L9
Morale:  10
Hoard Class:  XVIII, XIX
XP:  based on HD (and extra Mutations)

Hythons are one of the most terrifying apex predators of the Mutant Future.  While favoring wet, warm climesdwelling in marshes, jungles, forests, Ancient sewers, and ruinsthey also stalk across savannahs and grasslands.  They grow to enormous sizes, easily reaching over 35' long and weighing several tons.  Hythons come in a wide variety of mottled colorations.

Each hython has 1d6+3 heads, and possesses 2 Hit Dice per head at maximum Hit Points.  Every head attempts to bite an opponent each round (the number of attacks equals the number of heads), and can Swallow on a roll of 18-20.  Consumed victims take an additional 2d6 damage per round, and are digested at the end of 6 rounds.

For every 16 points of damage a hython takes, 1 head becomes useless, until all heads are destroyed and the creature dies.

Some hythons have exhibited mutations atypical to the species, such as Chameleon Epidermis, Control Light Waves, Energy Ray, and Toxic Weapon; fortunately, these aberrations are extremely rare.  [The Mutant Lord should feel free to customize each creature as desired.]

Hython skins are prized amongst traders, armorers, cobblers, and mutants with a flair for fashion.

Mutations:  Multi-Headed, Thermal Vision

[Designer's Note:  My first thoughtseach and every timeupon reading articles like thisthis, this, and this:  "How does this apply to Gamma World?"]